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Olympus BX60 Microscope, Trinocular Brightfield / Fluorescence w/ 4 Position FL Cube Turret
Olympus BX60, Trinocular Brightfield / Fluorescence w/ 4 Position FL Cube Turret

Base Frame:

Olympus BX60

6-position objective turret with DIC/Analyzer slide slot

4 position FL cube turret


100 watt power supply

Kohler Illumination light paths for both transmitted and reflected light paths

Flip-in day-light blue color balancing filter for transmitted light path

Flip-in neutral density filter set 6% & 25% for transmitted light path

X-Y drive 75mm x 50mm travel

Not included
Transmitted: 100 Watt Quartz Halogen Illuminator
Transmitted condenser: Aplanat Achromatic 1.4
Reflected/Epi-Fluorescence: 100 Watt Mercury Illuminator
Reflected/Epi-Fluorescence Power Supply: 100 Watt with hour meter

Observation Head:
3 Position Trinocular with one focusable eye-tube and one fixed eye-tube
(100% Eyes, 80%-Camera/20%Eyes, 100% Camera)
1pc: WHN 10X/22FN T2 Widefield Fixed
1pc: WHN 10X/22FN T3 Widefield Focusable

Filter Cubes:
1pc: U-MWIG: Single pass cube for Rhodamine
1pc: U-MWIB: Single pass cube for FITC
1pc: U-M61002 Tri-pass cube for DAPI/FITC/TexasRed

Our Price: $12,499.00
Sale Price: $11,499.00

Quantity in Stock:

Availability: Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Business Days
Catalog Number: WS-BX60-0170

Microscope Objectives

Olympus CPlanN 10x PHC Phase Plan Achromat Objective NA 0.25, WD 9.8mm [Add $299.00]
Olympus LUCPLanFLN 20x PH1 Phase Plan Achromat Objective with Coverslip Correction Collar [Add $999.00]
Olympus LUCPLanFLN 40x PH2 Phase Plan Achromat Objective with Coverslip Correction Collar [Add $1,449.00]
Olympus Plan 10x Infinity Corrected Objective [Add $299.00]
Olympus Plan 40x Infinity Corrected Objective [Add $375.00]
Olympus UPlanApo 100x/1.35 NA Oil Iris 1.35-0.5 Adjustment Infinity Corrected Objective [Add $3,499.00]
Olympus UPlanApo 40x/1.00 NA Oil Iris 1.0-0.5 Slip Adjustment Infinity Corrected Objective [Add $1,999.00]
Olympus UPlanApo 4x Infinity Corrected Objective [Add $999.00]
Olympus UPlanFL 40x Infinity Corrected Objective [Add $850.00]
Camera Packages

Add Quantitative Fluorescence Imaging - SPOT RT3 Color and Monochrome Slider Camera with BX Adapter [Add $10,414.00]
Add Quantitative Monochrome Fluorescence Imaging - SPOT RT3 Monochrome Camera with Adapter for BX [Add $8,004.00]

Features Benefits

Kohler illumination
Resolves fine image detail

Low Price

Great value

Includes filters

Fluorescence filters are included to save you time and money

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Microscope Components - Objectives, Lenses, Filters

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